Sporting Networks May have the Key on Domestic Violence.

Lets Not Reinvent The Wheel on DV

No one in our country should be comfortable with tolerance to Domestic Violence ever.

We are hearing all the outrage via media and all calling for a solution but this issues has been a sleeping giant and no politician of any persuasion has a magic solution BUT if we are SMART there is a model that we know works if you want to follow.

I refer you to the FIFA model on Tolerance to Racism.
For the ones who are not familiar please let me pass on the basic principals.

FIRSTLY you have to be committed to wanting a solution and prepared to follow it totally.

START at the lowest level of in “Australia’s” case ALL sporting events at all grounds at all clubs promote the STOP DV LOGO (yet to be Invented) before every day and through the day on the grounds,and the higher the age the banner exposure is increased to before main matches by all players.
When it comes to TV it’s compulsory both teams stand behind the banner and promoted by the network.

ALL CLUBS are the eyes and ears of their communities and if DV is detected it’s a duty to act via reporting to a network system (Yet to be Formed) within that code or organisation that has connection with the appropriate authorities to act.

For example(TRUE STORY) a very high profile player professional who was identified within his club as a abuser was refused contract renewal and dropped from the squad as the Club was going against its pledges and it was a reflection on the entire club if it was tolerated, as is racism.

I do not expect all codes of sport to get on board easily as some struggle as racism is still part of the support base so how could we expect them to have the ability to accept something that maybe still part of their culture and would see this initiative as trivial and even a threat.

I’ll be totally honest FIFA still has issues with racism internationally with non compliance but its come a long way and the people now are putting pressure on the sporting administrators if racism is detected and they are held to account.

If our politicians ARE FAIR DINKUM then starting to address this problem must Start at the grass roots.

Kids and Mums Know it goes on and often have no where to go. Club officials and clubs can be that safe place to talk if that culture is promoted.

Yes, it sets up a network where they can go but not all kids play sport but of if each sporting association are funded to show that do not tolerate DV the word will spread.

Yes I have been a President, Chairman, Secretary Captain, State Coach, Junior Coach, and player in my past life and it would be a added responsibility, but with some support as part of the national initiative we can take a leaf from FIFA and use it to change our perspective on this DV pandemic.

Politically speaking, I would include the Non tolerance to Racism and Domestic Violence as a joint campaign and joint ongoing campaign throughout all sporting bodies in the nation, and I hear the “We just take it as read” stance is a great hiding place, but if you want real impact we must start with the kids, and it’s NOT a quick solution, no culture change is but that’s what we have to do even if it’s not politically expedient at the time.

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History Repeats with EV’s

Rant Alert Electric Cars

Well I’m old enough to remember when Toyota introduced a car to Australia the entire media and the self appointed car connoisseurs went into meltdown.

They could not consume that any manufacturer outside Britain and USA knew anything about how cars perform in Australia and European cars were for the elites.

The “Toe Jo “ cars were made of plastic, their petrol tanks were too small, they’ll boil continually, their engines were like motor mowers and you’ll never get parts..

That Paranoia is happening right now with electric cars..
The media are loving bad news again, and exactly the same grown men are behaving tile kiddies with the boogy man..

And like the great 5G, and other sad conspiracy peddlers , the technology will surpass the hype of the nay sayers, as they forget for years Formula E have been racing cars which is leading testing technology’s and any doubts of what’s to come can be allayed if you take the time to just look at that industry.

I’m more than happy with our Subaru and it will see us out, as will many others but I enjoy watching progress as we did with computers, telecommunications, TV, Cars and Trucks and I refuse to let the ones who have their own agendas to keep progress at bay for their own profits and ideology and Stifle our future without a challenge.

Rant Over.

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My Ears Are Bleeding from Australian Football.

It’s not like it hadn’t happened before yet here we go again with the excuses and endless analysis’s from the same people who say exactly the same thoughts and we are that dumb to accept it..

Before you go into LA LA mode this Asian Cup debacle has no reflection on the men who pulled on the That Guernsey with green and gold, but it does reflect the state of the game for the last 20 years run by the overpaid and underperforming Australian management performance and like the good old Australian way we swallowed the media spin by the non performers themselves.

If you accept not winning a World Cup as acceptable don’t compete.
If you accept the results from the team as that’s about as best we can do, hand in your employment ID. Your doing you national a disservice..

Patronising the players in the media does not exonerate the management failure.

Quite frankly, I’m sick of this colonial attitude we have forced upon Australian football since my time starting in the 60’s
This close nit group of talking heads we have to have been covering each others arses since they handed out coaching qualifications like tram tickets to their pommy mates and made Australian coaches go off to their courses at a price… FACT

Pick up a paper, or tablet and it just a replay from the same people making a buck from the game and any change the money stops.

Unlike Europe or South America the nations with STARS ON THEIR NATIONAL SHIRT WE ACCEPT NON PERFORMANCE OF COACHES period, and if someone comes out the attack’s performance of the protected they come racing to their side as they are doing right now.

For those who are still indoctrinated in thinking the English Premier league is the benchmark, well stop press, it about 3rd and tell me again Bobby More was the last winner and they destroyed him.

We need a hard clinical approach by professionals from nations that have won, and won again, World Cups, and when the hammer falls they must be listened to and acted upon , without prejudice, and we need to reshape Australian Football to World Standards, and that must be supported much better than what they did to Eddie Jones when he was given the task of rebuilding Rugby

We must accept 3 World Cups time (12 Years)to put us in the top 10.. with the right people at the helm…
Accepting mediocre performance and hope has no place in professional football. We are not NRL or AFL where they play in their own little bubble and fed by their owners into believing they are bigger than a fly shit on the worlds stage..

Our code is much bigger, our support is much larger home and away, our standards of performance expectations are beyond their IQ , yet we cow tow in playing in the summer months to keep the yank owned Fox coffers full..

We need hard hitting critics to start a conversation at the grass roots level to change the landscape and we will not get the support of the media who are part of the mafia that props up the old boys club.

Forget looking to the English for direction, they have sold their soul to the money launderers, we must look for models like Germany, who keep clubs in the hands of the supporters (bar one) , and tv rights go to them the clubs not the franchises, and have a clinical approach to perfection built in to their football culture where second best is not good enough, ever..

Laugh you may Australians but how many stars on their shirts ???

How many European Cups? And you do the research on the rest

In closing I’m totally frustrated by seeing our youth totally ignored.

We have talent, we have class, recognised overseas but we have a system and stupid ideology you have to sit some of a qualifying apprenticeship set by the obviously incompetent present managment to get to the ball boy status keeping the over thirties on the pay sheet.

It’s time to let in the dogs and clean out the rats in our magnificent game in this country, starting admin, media, at the highest levels, our kids deserve the same as what other kids get in Europe and other top 10 nations..

2024, What Will it Bring ?


The war in the Middle East is getting to a stage where we as humans should look hard at who we are and step aside from the politics and the propaganda and look at history.

History reveals the British and Americans decided Palestine was a great place put a new country within a country by transporting a entire race and planting them among the existing population and walking away, hence relieving Europe of the problems of overpopulation of jews in their back yards.

The Jews has a religious affiliation with the area claimed and from day one they decided it was their destiny and right to claim ownership and have been expanding since then.

What is not known is Australia was on the agenda t6 be a selected country for settlement of the Jews .

The Kimberley Scheme was to place the Jews on a property in the Kimberley’s owned by the Durack family and one can only assume the same would occur as in the Middle East.

Imagine another country being set up inside Australia and then expanding to Perth or Darwin, Adelaide with its own army supported and armed by other countries..

A Tasmanian solution was also considered.

How would you feel ?

Would you have animosity towards them especially if they were continually playing the victim card?

If they had enough money to pay off politicians or have trade deals as to squeeze influence so people to just turned their heads when it come to indiscretions big and small ?

I am not convinced all the Israeli people are on board with the present situation, in fact I believe that could be a majority or close to it but their leader Netanyahu is nothing more than a Hitler reincarnation, committing genocide and in my terms repeating the sins of the Nazis this time by arms supplied by America and Australia and other arms suppliers..

Money Talks all languages and that’s Jews get out of jail free card every time.


2024 will be a telling time for this nation in a number of ways all of which will impact on the world balance of power.

Regardless of who wins the election, who is the leader, American is on the road it chose when they elected individual capitalism as their model for their nation and hatred for any form of social reforms that goes against that dog eat dog model.

That social hatred, keeps the people in the class structures that are gauged by bank accounts in power politically which then governs the legal power which then governs power right down to individuality as abortion rights, human rights, medical treatments and supply, then life expectancy…

And that their idea of “Freedom” Yes Freedom..

So let’s look at Freedom the American Way, the way they want to,impose on other nations when they invade, and are ejected usually with their tail between their legs , and compare it the things the regard as enemies of Freedom..

The countries in their sites are China, Russia mainly and are the boogie men when explaining to their population that is starved from news and information outside what it permitted through their conglomerate media organisations owned and controlled by media MOGULS owned BY Murdock the Jews..

~~Let’s compare~~

All 3 indoctrinate from birth, nationalism, army mentality, conscription but an America goes one further with Religion as a criteria that is part of the control mechanism of shaming and blaming.

Russian and Chinese Army’s are more on the streets than American yet their government influence is similar to the Starzi in the old East Germany, ie FBI, Secret Service and law enforcement is by government dictatorship style compared with the Westminster System which is not without fault by far.

Education levels in all 3 cases reveal their priorities on their population and China leads the field by far even with their population differential, and America trails with an average of a grade 6 Australian standard. IE. the entire population of Australia number is equivalent to the number of people in America who believe the world is flat. Sorry Fact..

Hence their Constitution has not changed little for over 200 years as it keeps the status quo of that time today and a weapon to those who challenge the major structures like equality or social changes..
I’m all right mate, fuck you, it’s your fault , is the national mentality we see daily any change in presidential standings will not change the country’s direction..

What is concerning and I see coming is the cold civil war between the two parties will go Hot that will be a disaster, along with the Arab money being withdrawn from their economy will send them into a spiral with social impacts to all as their money will be monopoly stuff paper.

We in Australia will have to decide who to align as the Asian nations will take up their new currency under BRACS and the American dollar will be degraded as a trading currency..


Well we weren’t mature enough to as a nation to give about 3% of our say in our government yet they have been here thousands of years..
The old Colonial mentality and white Australia left overs just never had the guts to do the right thing.. Scared little men and women with class warfare terror holding on to the Colonial bed rugs absolutely did the good old English thing like Brexit and run back to mummy.

If our multi cultured forefathers were here they’d be disgusted with our efforts and how easy the population was scared off by lies, but that’s our mentality these days, it’s easier to sell a lie as truth has to be justified and average Joe and Joanne today has a attention span of a nat and it’s just too hard to question past the social media feed.

Dumbing Down a Nation is easy when you control the narrative, ask Hitler and any other dictator, and when you own the media and employ the trolls you get the fools to follow, and just repeat the same logo, it’s like cattle up the crush, they follow all the way to the bolt.

The art of common logic is a vanishing commodity, to stop, research and think laterally should not be left to the old farts like me.

Talking Heads Struggle with Own Credibility

It didn’t take long for the grubs in the media and squawking talking heads to get a knife into our Matilda’s over a friendly.

So let’s look at the landscape here in laymans terms so their will be no mistake on how these bozo’s “The Commentary Gentry” have got their shirt without performance.

Unlike the Matilda’s Babes who are our future and should be celebrated by achieving national representatives regardless of any friendly result 4 years out of the big gig our Media Mongrels decide to gain their shirt by seizing the opportunity to knife the coach or reputations of these kids so early in their careers.

Let’s look at the critics form. who is Slater, those stooges who set themselves up as authorities on Football in Australia??

What have they achieved, played in England maybe, sniffed a bit of coke , and I could go on with the misdemeanours as I am old enough to remember, but one thing is certain, they are failures on the international stage, every single one of them as we have No Stars On Our National Shirt.. None Zero.
Yet they celebrate themselves with “the older I get the better I was” mantra

Then comes the audacity they promote by hating any international appointee that could expose any comparison of our Football business to nations who have won World Cups as whats left of their credentials would be trashed once people woke up.

Hiddick to his credit lifted the Socceroos on a temporary platform then bolted the day after his contract expired, then the rest of any appointments were systematically white anted by these serial losers for decades, destroying our international status that continues to this day, while stymieing youth by their cynicism and toxic incompetence, aptly demonstrated by their reaction to a simple friendly.

Then come the keyboard warriors who write the copy without any Football IQ whatsoever.
In fact name one commentator, talking head, or keyboard critic who have coached at any level????

I’m hearing crickets all over the septic tank …. Not Fucken One but they have opinions on how it should be done.. Sure they have opinions, and I have an opinion on nuclear science or brain surgery but I’d be out of my depth.

These wankers think they are self appointed judges of Football with actually no experience on how real powerhouses of the game win World Cups, and they don’t want to know either, as it’s beyond their intellectual capacity to even think how players reach World Cup levels then actually Win.

Oh FFS, we in Australian TV and Broad sheets celebrate getting flogged in world cups. We even extend their contracts, not after one failure but involvement in multiple failures, because they are mates of the media and that cosy relationship keeps them all in jobs, and stuff the football, that’s irrelevant, yet these slimes attack our potential players that who would take us higher than any of their wanna be careers they desperately cling to.

If our.coaches were any good they would be head hunted… Their Not Not One BUT Ange Postagolas has reached a level in 4 countries but was lambasted by the numb nuts here out of pure animosity when he told them all they were idiots on the record and that statement proved correct after that friendly and nothings changed.

They do not have the purchase to criticise as they all failed at the top level, so bottom line is if we do not have intellectual capacity to accept advice, management structures-from Clubs and Nations that have those stars on their national shirts we will be all just dreaming and procrastinating..

And secondly we have to tear ourselves away from the colonialism of brainwashing our kids into thinking England is the only league with history. They jagged it once when Europe was in recovery from Cold War and will never win a World Cup while the money launderers own their game and soul. They haven’t woke up and live in a fantasy land created by the TV rights and advertisers as they do it here,and like us they actually believe the yank franchising model is great, little do they know it’s for the owners while the punters in the stands are the suckers and the media talking heads are paid to indoctrinate you into keeping it that way..

Yes I’m pissed off again..and have a very long memory..

And for the record, back in the time when coaching certificates in Brisbane were given out like bus tickets to poms and Aussie coaches had to pass a course, I rejected that culture and based my education on my workmates who were migrants from all over the world entering Australia from Yungabar hostel and working the Shipyard.

Language was never a problem as football was opening for me and to them, the English language. Their knowledge willingly imparted over that time and was far ahead anything our country could imagine at a time when Soccer was Sir Stanley Mathew’s and the English only please.

I was blessed with having the privilege to work with youth and adults who loved the game as much as me, and as in football the journey is a never ending learning curve for all if you are prepared to a listen, and keep a open mind to the science.

The Game is Simple, Only people complicate it.

Struggle to Hold the Moral High Ground in Gaza

Israel gets Push Back

I’m listening to Australian media and as usual it’s always a one sided story when it comes to the occupation of Palestine

After that statement you will have made your decision about the rest of this rant and assume I’m an anti Jew and the hands will go over the ears and la la singing.
To make an accurate view you have to return back when the Jews were dumped by the British in Palestine to piss them off from Europe like the plague, then run away as the British do so well when the shit hits the fan.

Look at the map then look now and I ask how would YOU like it if an outside national dumped an entire race into your country and then they expand and take over the hosting country?

While all this is happening no one even thought you were asking the Arab and Jewish cultures and religions to integrate while one was calling all Jews to come to set up a new country within an existing all under the eyes of the world who put Jewish money as the catalyst for support.

Ethics then and now are no existent when it comes to that money. Political parties and governments are under the cap and scared to upset the flow and if any criticism towards the lenders it’s immediately antisemitism and the “holocaust card” played.

To me and many Jewish people I know are tied and embarrassed at the “card” is used politically and a get out of jail free card and the politicians who believe in a capitalism regime melt when it comes to any push back…

The right to defend themselves is a two way street and the aggressor is not the original land holder and when someone takes your food and water resources controls your power and utilities, imprisons your people without trial including children and women in camps, you have a obligation to resist.

This is a two way street and the media again who rely on the finances from Jews are very reluctant to tell the balanced view.

The present attacks are bad, really bad but the same actions were carried out by the Israel troops spread over decades not reported and their response highly inflated in comparison of the offence committed and their proud of the results, deaths and destruction tripled and celebrated.

Israel will attempt to commit ethnic cleansing, so who is the terrorist here?
Is standing by your flag when an invader is expanding terrorism?
Is fighting back a sin when the tanks flatten your home of 1000 years terrorism?

No we have all have a issue here and it’s not terrorism it’s the system we support that money supersedes human rights, ethical standards and if you have a god to follow religious principles but in saying that religion justifies violence when it sees profit and loss potential and out will come the political wedge ensure they keep their share of the spoils.

What shits me the invader always takes the moral high ground and if you dare to challenge your a anti semiotic, anti nationalistic, it sounds a dictatorship to me similar to the ones in Europe in the 30 and 40’s

YES, NO, Or Is it Just Me?

I’m not gong to judge, procrastinate or even try to convince you one way or the other on this referendum, but what I will do is as yourself who am I .

Full disclosure, I’m a Boomer 73, so we’ll start with my lot who were never educated in Aboriginal culture at school as “ They” the black kids didn’t have to go to school or we were told they just lived in the bush somewhere.

And that’s where the attitudes probably started at the time and the division between seeds were sowed.

I saw the anguish later when Aboriginals got a vote, got counted in our population and I see it clearly today in this debate.

To many it’s fear of the unknown as was they were counted the take over of when they got the vote, and now if they get a say..

I see it in the eyes of the potential NO voters that fear, The fear of they of how they will get too much say Or they might get too much support or allowances above what they see as us “Normal” Australians or us tax payers.

The scared or privileged feel intimidated of the unknown and that’s where the No vote seats it’s argument. The fear of loosing “something “of perceived “something” or is it a deep down hate driven by that fear?

Then we are subjected to “I Don’t Know” Cop out group. The conservative non involved hiding under a rock clan for who if it’s not broken don’t fix it, don’t rock the boat, ooooh I might make a mistake so I won’t investigate I’ll just lie to avoid blame. The old I’m a swinging voter character, the one you’ll never rely on if your in the shit, you may be lucky or not type, who assess self interest over anything else. Yep plenty of them about presently looking for a free sausage sizzle.

Then we have the politicians who have decided it’s their job to add confusion to a simple question of giving 3 percent YES THREE PERCENT. of Australians a fair go, not a controlling go, just a go we normal white people enjoy….. or that may be the issue we don’t know what we have so let’s not give them a go just in case ….

It’s a argument driven by ignorance ,fear, and colonial class war driven racism, that has always been part of a undercurrent in our older society right back to childhood as discussed above and passed down or spread in the lunch rooms and pubs of the Numpty lot usually by the loudest.

Personally this is not a political issue,it’s a human being doing right thing exercise nothing else, and I have to ask how many people making the decision have ever worked or had actual contact good and bad with the colonials than apply the same algorithm of the bad experiences when dealing with Aboriginals in your life and you see which group wins the race to the bottom and it ain’t the Abbo’s mate, yet their scary ones… really?

In my case again I’ve been privileged to work and play alongside all races, colour, religions in this country, probably more than many due to immigration intakes and my Football in my youth and in my experience it was a melting pot of humans embarking on a new life, just wanting a kick start. They are not the ones against this referendum they know what it’s like to be at the bottom and imagining what it’s like to being here first in this country and still fighting..

In Closing the Yes vote will be up against it but if it gets up nothing will change to 97% of Australians Nothing, but that 3% might get a hand up, however if it goes down the rest of the world will look at us as a Colonial outpost of people’s scared to let go of our outdated class/racial Historical habits.

God save the King First

Murdock’s Oxygen Taken by Women’s Class.

They just can’t help themselves can they.?
The Women’s World Cup is taking oxygen from the Eastern coast Round Robin codes and the media must be feeling the heat.
It really irks them to report record breaking stadiums, pressure on them to give the copy that equates to that popularity on a daily basis taking the focus away from the Murdock owned codes.
Let’s be clear here, Murdoch was never in contention for the FIFA contract to broadcast, and it hates it. It takes every single opportunity to get mileage from the event, not by applauding the women, but by finding the negative or even creating the negative to get click bait to their sites.
It must be really hard for their journalists to see players not being charged with alcohol or drug related charges or DV or racial hatred on a daily basis, seeing how true professionals behave on and off the park in comparison.
This behaviour by the media is not new, the true international codes are kept away from the mainstream as Fox and Murdock want all Australians thinking AFL and NRL have a monopoly on support, but that furphy crashed when Optus first won the World Cup and its entire network crashed 7 minutes into the opening ceremony and SBS had to take the feed for the entire tournament.
No, the media went quiet, real quiet and I’ll be quite frank, when I was alive in the game we were told at a exclusive function the media were instructed not to what they said was “Wake the Giant” as the fate of the two other codes would not be competitive if a world code was allowed to take hold of the Australian landscape particularly with the amount of migrants in our population. Fact.
I can hear the scoffs and the cries of disbelief but facts are indisputable, Football in Australia is 8th in participation rates, AFL runs in at 16th and NRL is a sorry 35th. And who gets the bulk coverage, those codes

Now I will never poo any of those fans who follow the codes and their passion BUT do not compare, as their is no comparison.
In closing just think why the Australian media will not refer to Soccer as its true world wide name Football?
It’s strategic, not to let the “Brand” get into our culture but as you can see that Brand is here loud and clear be it men or women where the world game sets the standards on acceptance of race and religion, sexual discrimination and is not controlled by media magnates.
Enjoy and go the Matilda’s and Germany. And NZ .. see I can have alliances and still keep a open a The World Game.

An Old Boomer’s Ride

Autumn of life.

In my early years I was part of Strikes and Union activity, and later in life joined a political party all with the fire in the belly stuff regarded as Left or Socialists, or even Communist depending on your ideology.

It never worried me then nor today on external opinions and as I rode through the ranks of management those views were not as forthcoming granted but never left me nor surrendered, and when owning my own business I hope my principals spoke.

Now well in the second half of the life cycle I find I am not as tolerant to fools yet accept opposing opinions provided they are accept mine, and a intelligent debate is forthcoming.

Now, this is where it gets murky.

People of my age are much more street wise than later generations on life. Not so much technology or social interactions then and same as they could never live in the 60’s and 70’s in our hey days.

Totally understandable, but we knew how to pick a fraud, a Shysters, a mug Lare. a wife beater, a thief, and the underground network was extremely active. Not gossip, it was on the wire solid and if untrue it would be sorted as you would be told to your face in the appropriate place.

Such is fair dinkum chats, tidy up your game or ….

Today no one has the guts to be straight, and use the Gossip Tree or Nice to your face and back stab, which shows how The Australian character has changed. In the day it was what Pommy’s did along with their Class designations of your breeding or family wealth, or where you former address in England was.

It was foreign to me at the time as we were all in the same boat, we thought, but apparently not in other cultures, and football educated me in this area.

So having this grounding I sat back and watched, some thought with ignorance, or avoidance even, but with great appreciation of how the human race can be it’s own worst enemy.

Enter today’s society and it more than clear people have been dumbed down, either by it’s just to hard mummy, or I’m all right Jack Fuck you, or I’ll ignore it and maybe it’ll happen to someone else and then I might, yes might act if it effects me.

Yes the divide and rule, add debt combined with visions of grandeur of “I want TODAY” to keep up your social standing, your wedged into the capitalism mode where money is your owner, your kids owner and your life now your own bubble based on survival. Got ya, but you got you new SUV, House,Furniture, and all the tech, but your now working for the man for life, at the mercy of the money lenders.

Yep, my lot slept on the mattress on the floor, bare boards, 3rd hand furniture, no curtains, but we owned everything except the house, if not we just saved till we did.

Oh this boomer crap, where we all stuck together, passed down, helped do each others painting, renovations, gardens, concreting on weekends or week nights and was no trouble at all. It was the Aussie way, similar to the Greeks, Italians, and Asians who also used the Family culture to another level entirely and still today.

Yeah, today we all try to reinvent the wheel and celebrate when we discover it turns.

Our Flag is Not for Sale

My Flag ,My Country, minus the Bogan, Numptys

Language and Concept Warning… Born without Filter installed.

It was in the mid 50’s and if, yes IF you were selected you got to carry the flag (Made In Australia ONLY) to the pole, put the small package on the rope and when nodded pulled the correct rope on parade and the flag unfolded on parade every morning. After we ,2 of, lowered it and NEVER let it touch the ground, or you will be replaced if that infraction occurred.

It was a monthly stint then it rotated through the Bell ringers, monitors, and other State School responsibilities hierarchy.

Respect and Dignity of the flag was premium, only Military or Representative Sports or officialdom were permitted to either wear a sanctioned part of our national emblem.

My standards and ethical values were imbedded then, and maybe one can see how our values have fallen to meet the marketing, political agendas of the profiteers and capitalists who have devalued not only our national emblem but our culture and we like sheep have gone along to the slaughter sometimes unknowingly but more likely willingly to keep up with cultures from mainly America who willingly export their indoctrinated brainwash into everything you allow.

We are not and never have been a flag in the face culture but we are heading that way fast. Our flag has been weaponised by the advertisers, the extreme groups, the social media manipulators to not bring the country together but divide it. Men and women who fought and died under it would be sickened to see it worn as throw away clothing, pushed in the face to prove you are the most sickening word to me a “Patriot” which is not a Australian description but used often by the people who resemble action toys you played with in the sand pit.

Our national IQ must not drop or be dumbed down, we know how many states we have, sadly in America over 50% don’t know and 60% can’t name them. Our entire population in America believe the world is flat, over 50 % cannot place America on a world map, but every time there is a chance to show their flag it’s in you face saying look at me I’m the standard and so we follow by draping the fag over our shoulders, dragging it on the ground pissed as mutes, hats,back to front loud and often violent and abusive to anyone who sees it as degrading.

We are better than that, we can celebrate as a nation loud and proud without divisive rhetoric, we can walk and chew gum, we can be filled with pride and respect other views but not use the flag as a show of force.

We are a evolving Nation with ties to England which in time maybe not in my time be sorted, but let’s set our own agendas, let’s not follow failing states, and each and every ones of us think Laterally and not just “stay in your lane” as that exactly how the powerbrokers want you live.

As for Australia Day I will be looking up and seeing our trees, sky, nature, animals, listening to Australians Country music ( Not Tammy Wynette impersonators) Paul Kelly, SlimDusty. Ac/Dc, and I’ll throw in John Cash just to show I’m inclusive.

It may come across as I am Anti America, I’m not, I genuinely agonise over the level headed informed population who have the ability to analyse and compare cultures and government structures but if we tried to manipulate their media and culture to make their Government work for the people IE. free Medicare, Women’s Rights, Gun control, Broader education of their citizenship outside America, separation of church and state, non compulsory military call ups, and full rehab for past serving soldiers injuries ,Common Laws that apply Nationally without State control , I would be regarded as some sort of a traitor, a communist, a socialist or all of the above, and my maybe my public safety would be compromised.

Not my Model of Democracy Or Freedom we should even contemplate and we should resist ever aspect to assimilate and keep on being the Quiet Achievers who get on with the job without the garish edge of Boganism / Bozoness / Numptyism.

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