Australia’s Food Security Needs Action Now.

Back when I was in the communications industry after Jack the Slasher was closed at Yamanto I was laughed out of the party when I suggested large supermarkets would convert into warehouses, home grocery delivery via internet, operations would be done remotely via fibre, and newspapers would be available on your phone.

Well in todays world let’s look at the most important thing we as humans need, food security, to survive.

As the climate debate splits our opinions the thing no one can deny is our food network has to increase to accomodate our population and there will come a time where we cannot grow or produce enough greens and protein we need to survive on this island at present farming methods and the changing weather, and I think many wise old farmers will agree.

In the future taking into consideration present technology over time our reliance on “naturally” produced product ,greens and protein, will be produced in controlled environment where water can be delivered at a constant rate via recycle or air conversion and protein taken and reproduced in forms that will resemble meat as we are just discovering today all predictable and delivered on time.

If the research is near correct Australia could be fed with about as much land as Victoria. Scary stuff but must be on the agenda now or we will fall for the same trap as we did 80-90’s in ignoring the climate data we are now experiencing.

Farmers and other producers on the land will not become extinct but their product will become boutique as long as the external weather permits so that’s why if the men on the land fail to support measures to protect and improve our present earthy condition it will accelerate their demise.

As was the transition from land line to WiFi the blind skeptics will laugh you out of the party, but in this case is our basic home based survival at future risk, and we have been put on notice.

Wayne Offer

Leave TELSTRA Employees Out of it.

I feel the pain of TELSTRA complaints every time I see and hear how customers are responding to the lack of service, performance and lack of basic good corporate citizenship.

I don’t expect customers of the this day and age to appreciate the corporate ethics the company had before it was decided the shareholders held more priorities than customers. I agonise when I see guards left on footpaths for years, pits crumbling, non identifiable people accessing the network at pillars knowing how confidentiality and privacy protocols no longer apply or monitored.

Every day in Australia we see good people in uniforms go to work and represent a company, cop the abuse, and do their best for a employer knowing full well they are working with people and systems that are not performing to our standards but may meet some benchmarks set by a bean counter that only understands profit and outsourcing Australians.

Shannon’s experience is common, and will continue until we take back what Australians owned and paid for before privatisation.

I had a American telecommunications expert tell me the network I was accountable for was “too good” and costing too much to maintain and customers had to expect delays in installation and repairs, FACT and that was just before the days of Blunt as MD. That signalled lip service to customer service.

Outsourcing responsibility, accountability, service and especially company brand is a decision only someone who has no respect or appreciation for the vastness and history of the Australian telecommunications network and the attitude accepted by overseas call centres of its “just another call” is not acceptable here and never will be, but please remember those Australian employees you vent your spleen on today are not the people who sold the farm and it’s machinery.

Referees Blamed for Government Incompetence.

Dannielle Fords “Cutting Umpires Slack” article (See Below) should be read and digested by not only the arm chair warriors but the men behind the microphones and front the cameras and the scribes who present themselves as keepers of all knowledge on sport.

Anyone who has refereed sport experiences critical analysis for decisions that occur within tenths of a second and now we see the media gaggle question the Video Assist because it exposes infringements too well or or takes too long.

The VAR systems is accepted as the normal in European sport and unfortunately we Australians are yet to embrace it as this nations downgraded NBN speeds delays swift decision.

For instance in Bundesliga the centre in Cologne can monitor up to 5 matches at one once and have a decision expectation via 19-21 cameras on each ground within 26 seconds unless a on field intervention is required., Australia one per ground at snail mail speed., so when the squarkers in suits whinge they should be asking the question why do we in Australia are incapable of delivering the technology accepted as the norm overseas.

This is a classic example of when near enough is not good enough and our politicians felt our 55th place in the world in internet speed was acceptable for them I assure them running 55th when our sporting standards is effected just doesn’t cut it with the masses.

Cyber Attack Self Inflicted.

It is now with monotonous regularity we are alerted that our security has or has the potential to be infringed.

At a cost of billions governments has set up new Departments, employed millions of staff and in fact created a total industry that obviously far off the pace of the hackers.

We always know why as the excuses are so repetitious but how is never actually revealed and not shocking that most of the alleged hackers are coming from countries with closed networks.

In our exuberance to open ourselves to privatisation we surrendered security of our communication system to the shareholder, and anyone that paraded as a communications employee was given instant access to our exchanges, pillars and cross connecting equipment. Even today no one challenges a unmarked ute or van parked outside a business , house or now fibre distribution point as most have been conditioned that’s its legitimate activity.

Those of us who were trained in communication security before privatisation predicted this viral trend and was duly redundant.

As the network now is more condensed yet more accessible to the would be perpetrators, security is now left to on site cyber walls owned and operated by commercial interests. Yep that’s safe, you must agree?

It’s up to governments, not commercial interests to protect our commercial and private data and subletting accountability is not acceptable, and every time you hear or see security breaches remember its self inflicted and think how good privatisation of our communication carriage has made Australia, and if it’s personally worth it.

Then in saying that if you’ve never had it you’ll never know, until it’s you that’s hacked.

Australia Deserves a Quality NBN

Well after 20 years in the nations biggest telecommunication companies and rolling out the initial optical fibre across my state of Queensland I think I may have a little knowledge about what the National Broadband Network will and won’t do, void of the political spin we are now being subjected to by our politicians, none of which have had any hands on experience to my knowledge..
Firstly Australia is a massive area and cannot be compared with any other nation in the world. As Great Britain fits into Queensland 3 times a cable could go from the top to the bottom of the nation and provide access to 20 million or more clients proving what software you put on the end of the fibre, while in Australia you could go that far and not have ONE customer. Been there done that.
The eastern side of Australia used to subsidise the the entire national network west do the dividing range, but privatisation stopped that and the West was abandoned to pair gains on a network designed for one pair one customer. Fine if the network was maintained but that was too costly so it was handed over to the only do enough to keep it going policy.
It’s costly out west and that’s where “the fuck you I’m all right Jack” policy of the silver tails in the cities got their ADSL while the bush was still on dial up.
The LNP is going to give the bush the ADSL Home Brand Network under Abbott again if elected.
The NBN must be rolled out ONCE and do it for the whole Nation not just the profitable areas or again the bush will be continue to be second class clients.
The hate of public assets being in public hands is part of LNP DNA and telecommunications in today’s world cannot be trusted to Big Business as they will only look after themselves then eliminate the opportunities of competition of the lower sectors.
Vote for this network, or swallow the Turnbull spin you and your grandchildren will be condemned to catch up technology for decades not of your choice but of what “they” choose to allow you to have.
From one of thousands of Baggy Arsed Liney who took pride building the best network in the world until greed was prioritise ahead of each and every Australians right for quality communication wherever you lived to run your business and Family.


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